Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Photoshop Color Splash tutorial

Hey guys, welcome to my blog. Today I will teach how to do a Color Splash photo that means only one image is colorful and the rest is black & white. Let's get started

1. Choose your image

2. Open your photoshop

3. Open your image at photoshop

4. Right click the background layer, and select duplicate layer and select OK.

5. And then click the eye icon on "background" layer to make it invisible and next select the "background copy" layer and then go to image, select black & white and Select OK.

6. And then click the eye/square icon to make the "background" layer visible. And next you have two option here. Using a Magnetic lasso tool/Polygon lasso tool and Eraser tool.

6a. Using Magnetic lasso tool

6b. Zoom using Ctrl+Scroll UP (Alt+Scroll UP for CS5.1) and select which object you want to make it colorful. When using Magnetic lasso tool, you need to be careful so it didn't make a mess and just move around the object until it reach the start point.

6c. Select Eraser tool

6d. And then just erase the whole area surrounded with Magnetic lasso tool line

6e. Now go back to Magnetic lasso tool, Right click, select Deselect to remove the line around the object. And you are done!

Using eraser:
7a. Select Eraser tool ( I suppose you already know where is the erasor tool)
7b. Change the eraser size until it fit the object. Right click to change the eraser size.

7c. And Left click the eraser

7d. And you're done!

Here is the final result :

NOTE: Color Splash means only one object is colorful and the rest is black & white. So if two object were colorful, It isn;t anymore Color Splash.

Made By Joseph


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